Help Center

We’ve answered some of the most common questions about buying and selling online through NEPA Marketplace

Shopping on NEPA Marketplace

  • How do I cancel an order?

    You can contact the seller through their shop's home page and request that the seller cancel your order.

    Accepting your request is up to the individual seller. Submitting a cancellation request doesn’t automatically cancel your order. 

  • What are the benefits of shopping on your site?

    By shopping on our site, you will save time and find great local products. You won't have to visit every storefront or website of local businesses in our community to find what you’re looking for.

    You’ll be able to shop and buy from many local businesses right in the comfort of your own home. No store hours, we’re always open! 

  • What are shop policies?

    Each shop owner on NEPA Marketplace is responsible for their own policies regarding refunds, exchanges, and returns. Policies vary from shop to shop.

    Before purchasing, review the shop’s Returns & exchanges policy. You can find the shop’s policies on the listing page under Shipping & returns, or by clicking Policies at the top of their shop homepage.

    Specific questions about a shop’s policies are best answered by the seller. Contact the shop with any questions about their policies. 

  • Can I communicate with a shop owner on NEPA Marketplace?

    Yes! We encourage that you contact sellers directly with any questions relating to product inquiries, shipping, materials, packaging, etc.

    Every shop page includes a link to a form where you can contact the shop owner directly and they can respond directly to you. 

  • What are my payment options when making a purchase?

    We currently accept payment via Stripe.

    Stripe encrypts and securely stores the credit card information on their servers using advanced fraud protection. 

    Stripe offers secure credit card payment via MasterCard, Visa and American Express. 

  • How are returns, replacements, exchanges and refunds handled?

    If you’re unsatisfied with an order, you may be able to return or exchange your order depending on the shop’s policies. You can contact the seller through their shop's home page and request a return or exchange.

    NEPA Marketplace acts as a facilitator for the products and shops found on this website. This allows our shop owners to have full control over how they choose to run their business.

    With that being said, each shop will set their own policies regarding returns, exchanges and refunds.

    When making a purchase, be sure to review the shop policies and make any inquiries you may have prior to your purchase. 

  • How will my order be shipped?

    NEPA Marketplace acts as a facilitator for the products and stores found on this website. This allows our store owners to have full control over how they choose to run their business.

    Each shop will set their own policies processing times, shipping options and local deliveries and/or meet ups.

    When making a purchase, be sure to review the store policies and make any inquiries you may have prior to your purchase. 

  • How do I handle a dispute with a seller?

    We encourage that all disputes be handled between the buyer and seller directly.

    If the buyer and seller cannot resolve a dispute, you may be able to open a case with NEPA Marketplace.

    If a resolution cannot be met, NEPA Marketplace can be consulted for a final determination decision. 

  • How do I use the Wishlist feature?

    You need to have an account and be signed in to be able to use the benefits of our wishlist feature.

    When you see an item you like, that you may want to purchase in the future, you can add it to your wishlist. All items will be kept in your wishlist until you decide to make a purchase.

    You can also share your wishlist with others via: email, facebook or direct link. 

  • What happens when I follow a store?

    When you follow a store you will be notified via email about new item additions. If you wish to stop receiving store notifications, simply “unfollow” the store. 

Selling on NEPA Marketplace

  • What are the benefits of selling on your site?

    Our marketplace will help NEPA small businesses maintain an e-commerce platform together and enjoy the mutual benefit of each other’s customer base – there is power in numbers.

    Join NEPA Marketplace if you want to bring your business to the next level.

    We are dedicated to creating a community of independent businesses, selling together online. This strategy will create more exposure for your business when compared to driving traffic to your individual website. 

  • Do I have to have a store location to sell on this site?

    No. We have many vendors that run businesses out of their homes or have only virtual businesses. Part of our mission is to help bring light to all types of businesses that exist in our community and put them all on one website together.

    Whether you own a store front or run a home based business, NEPA Marketplace is open to all types of business, and we're NOT limited to hand-made items. 

  • What can I sell on NEPA Marketplace?

    NEPA Marketplace is an online sales platform exclusive to small business owners located in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

    You are permitted to sell Retail Products, Handmade Items and Professional Services that your business offers.

    It is your responsibility to make sure your shop and its items are in compliance with NEPA Marketplace policies. Before buying or selling on NEPA Marketplace, please review our Terms of Use.

    View a list of Prohibited Items to sell on NEPA Marketplace 

  • How much does it cost to sell on your site?

    Choose a Membership Plan that is right for your business. Change plans to meet your business needs anytime. We offer membership plans designed to grow with your business needs.

    Our fees are simple.

    Listing Fees

    • The listing fee is a flat rate charge of per listing. This fee is charged when the listed item sells.

    See our Fee Schedule for more information.

    Transaction Fees

    • NEPA Marketplace collects a percentage of the total item cost. The cost will vary depending on the plan you choose.

    See our Fee Schedule for more information.

    Shipping Transaction Fees

    • NEPA Marketplace does not collect a percentage of the total shipping charges. However, if we find sellers taking advantage of this policy it could result in suspension or termination from our site.

    See our Fee Schedule for more information.

    Payment Processing Fees

    • Payment processing fees are a set rate plus a percent of the total sale price of the item. The fees are taken from the item’s total sale price, including its shipping fees, and any applicable sales tax.

    See our Fee Schedule for more information. 

  • Can I sell my Direct Sales products on this site?

    Each direct sales company has different policies and rules.

    It is a requirement that independent contractors investigate the rules for their particular company and selling products online through other websites before listing their business on our site.

    Most companies prohibit the sales of their products on 3rd party websites, but you may be able to list your products or product types, and instead of 'Add to Cart' you can use our affiliate link button to send them to your business website for the actual purchase. 

  • What are some best practices to manage a successful shop?
    1. Fill out your shop policies. Your shop policies help set expectations with the buyer and may protect you if a buyer has a problem with an order from your shop.
    2. Regularly respond to Messages from your buyers. Prompt responses can prevent problems from escalating.
    3. Ship your orders within your processing times
    4. Make sure that your items and orders match how you describe them in your listings 

NEPA Marketplace Shopper Rewards Program

  • How can I join NEPA Marketplace Shopper Rewards Program?


    Shop Small and earn valuable rewards. Enjoy exclusive discounts, early access to new products, double points days, members-only discounts or special promotions.  

    Registration is FREE. Visit our page to Enroll in NEPA Marketplace Rewards Program 

    Start earning with every purchase and redeem your points for discounts on future purchases.

  • What are the requirements for joining the rewards program?

    You must be at least 18 years old. No purchase necessary. No credit card required.

    Shopper Rewards Membership is FREE

    Join NEPA Marketplace | Shopper Rewards Program When creating a NEPA shoppers account and you will be enrolled in our rewards program automatically.  

  • How do I earn Shopper Reward Points?

    Earning points is easy! Earn points with every purchase. It's simple: every dollar you spend equals 1 point. So, the more you shop, the more points you'll accumulate. It's a great way to reward yourself for supporting local businesses while enjoying exclusive benefits from NEPA Marketplace. 

  • What is the expiration date for my points?

    Rewards points not redeemed will expire 12 months from the accrual date. This means that points earned on a specific date will be valid for 12 months from that date. After 12 months, unused points will be forfeited. 

  • Are there any restrictions on how I can redeem my points?

    Yes, there are some restrictions. Not all shop owners participate in the program. This means you may not be able to redeem points at certain stores. Additionally, there may be other restrictions or limitations. Please refer to the terms and conditions for full details. 

  • How do I view or redeem my Shopper Reward Points?

    To view your points:

    To redeem your points:

    • Checkout: When you're ready to checkout, you'll have the option to apply your points.
    • Discount: Choose to apply the discount. Your points will be converted into a dollar amount.
    • Minimum Redemption: The minimum redemption amount is $1.00. So, your points must add up to at least $1.00 to redeem them. 

    Additionally, there may be other restrictions or limitations. Please refer to the terms and conditions for full details.  

General questions about NEPA Marketplace

  • Who manages NEPA Marketplace?

    The operations and maintenance of the website is handled locally from Northeastern Pennsylvania.
    However, store owners personally manage and oversee their individual orders, products and policies.

    Contact Information

    NEPA Marketplace LLC
    Mailing Address:
    PO Box 215
    Luzerne, Pa 18709
    United States of America
    Contact Email:

    Also, you may reach us using our contact form on this website. 

  • Who sells on NEPA Marketplace?

    NEPA Marketplace is open to all types of business, and it is NOT limited to hand-made items..

    We have specific criteria for shop owners, when making a purchase on NEPA Marketplace you can take pride in the knowledge that shop owners are local to Northeastern Pennsylvania.

    We are a marketplace exclusive to NEPA small business owners. All shop owners are subject to a verification process to ensure residency. 

  • How do I know my information is protected?

    As part of the buying and selling process, we collect the personal information you give us such as your name, address and email address. This is used for the sole purpose of completing your sales transaction and sending your purchase to you.

    All payment information is held securely by our trusted processors – our servers do not have access to your payment details. 

    View our Privacy Policy 

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